EVSSAR Courses are back!
EVSSAR Small Animal Reproduction course Part 1 will take place in:
Wroclaw, Poland 16-20th of October 2023

There are two methods for paying your registration fees:
1. By International Bank Transfer
EVSSAR (European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction AISBL)
Social seat: Chaussée de Bruxelles, 484 B-7850 Enghien, Belgium EVSSAR
Company number: 4654 715 24 (not VAT)
For electronic bank transfer: Acc. Name Beneficiary: EVSSAR
IBAN: BE18 0682 2313 2965 ——- BIC(SWIFT) : GKCCBEBB (Belfius Banque SA Boulevard Pachéco 441000 Bruxelles)
Very important: The transaction text must include your name, to identify the member. All bank charges are at sender expense!
2. PayPal
Treasurers: Dr. Tuire Tamminen and Dr. Ilona Kaszak – treasurer@evssar.org
pl. Grunwaldzki 49, 50-366 Wroclaw
Transportation in Wrocław
There are many bus and tram connections between railway station, University and hotels. To go directly from the main railway station to the course place, take tram No 2 or bus 145, 146 and take off at the stop ”plac Grunwaldzki” or take tram No 9 and take off at tram stop “Grunwaldzka”, or take tram No 33 and take off at tram stop “Bujwida”.
Map location for the course
You can try to use an online public transportation planner (in polish, but very intuitive):
Jakdojadę – available also as an application.

Small animal reproduction EVSSAR course II, Hannover, Germany
There are two methods for paying your registration fees:
1. By International Bank Transfer
EVSSAR (European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction AISBL)
Social seat: Chaussee de Bruxelles, 484 B-7850 Enghien, Belgium EVSSAR
Company number: 4654 715 24 (not VAT)
For electronic bank transfer: Acc. Name Beneficiary: EVSSAR
IBAN: BE18 0682 2313 2965 ——- BIC(SWIFT) : GKCCBEBB (Belfius Banque SA Boulevard Pachéco 441000 Bruxelles)
Very important: The transaction text must include your name, to identify the member. All bank charges are at sender expense!
2. PayPal
Treasurer: Dr. Tuire Tamminen, treasurer@evssar.org
20 rooms are pre-reserved, please mention: EVSSAR course Tierärztliche Hochschule, Sandra Goericke-Pesch; to get the price.
Previous courses, organised in collaboration with the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS), were held in:
- Wroclaw (Poland), October 2019 (course master Prof. W. Nijanski), program.
- Hannover (Germany), October 2018 (course master Prof. S. Goericke-Pesch), program.
- Wroclaw (Poland), October 2017 (course master Prof. W. Nijanski)
- Giessen (Germany), September 2016 (course master Prof. Sandra Goericke-Pesch)
- Nantes (France), September 2015 (course master Prof. Dr. F. Fieni)
- Giessen (Germany), September 2014 (course master Prof. Sandra Goericke-Pesch and Axel Wehrend)
- Nantes (France), September 2013 (course master Prof. Dr. F. Fieni)
- Hunenberg (Switzerland) 20-24 September 2010 (course master Prof. Dr. D. Arnold)
- Nantes (France), 31 August – 4 September 2009 (course master Prof. Dr. F. Fieni)
- Milan (Italy), 15-19 September 2008 (course master Prof. Dr. G.C. Luvoni)
- Zurich (Switzerland), 10-15 september 2007 (course master Prof. Susi Arnold)
- Nantes (France), 2005 (course master Prof. F. Fieni)
- Milan (Italy), 13-18 September 2004 (course master Prof.Dr. G.C. Luvoni)
- Hannover (Germany), September 22-28, 2003 (course master Prof. Dr. A-R Günzel-Apel)
- Nantes (France), September 16-21 2002 (course master Prof. F. Fieni)